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Weather News

During the last 12 hours the minimum air temperature ( +1 oC ) was observed in Jammu and Kashmir in Leh / Kushok Bakula Rimpochee (airport).

29 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +39 oC ) was observed in Bihar in Patna (airport).

29 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +39 oC ) was observed in West Bengal in Kolkata / Dum Dum (airport).

29 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +39 oC ) was observed in West Bengal in Kazi Nazrul Islam (airport).

29 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +39 oC ) was observed in Uttar Pradesh in Lal Bahadur Shastri / Varanasi (airport).

29 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +39 oC ) was observed in Andhra Pradesh in Tirupati (airport).

29 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +39 oC ) was observed in Andhra Pradesh in Kurnool (airport).

29 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +39 oC ) was observed in Orissa in Jharsuguda.
